Brentech has a sector totally dedicated to prototyping activities which in the industrial process has the aim of validating the innovation brought to the production line. Thanks to the transversal know-how resulting from years of experience, we express the best of us in the construction of experimental prototypes with a strong innovative character. Starting from the initial idea, step by step we create an excellent turnkey solution supporting the customer in all phases of development.

We consider this prototyping service not only a guarantee for the customer but also a valid and excellent support which aims to verify the functionality of the designed component or system.

Through different production methods and technologies we are able to provide the customer with a variety of prototypes:

  • Machine tool processing
  • Sheet metal working
  • Additive manufacturing
  • Products welded with different technologies (components, carpentry)
  • Positioning templates for welding, brazing, spot welding and mechanical processing
  • Machine modules
  • Complete machines

We create as well prototypes of single pieces with minimal differences from series products, so that we can carry out reliable quality and safety tests.